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www.djburnham.com, Poetry written i n the 2000's, Poetry, Lyrics, Prose, David Burnham, D.J. Burnham, Dave Burnham


The Great Ronaldo

"Right Ho"
The Great Ronaldo

"Drinkie Poos" and night caps
Chewing the fat
Churchill, Montgomery
And the Desert Rats
Spear fishing
For a wind-blown hat
Eric Morecambe-style

Both cheeks pat
"Moggus of the Pussus Variety"

Renamed cat

"The Trollenberg Terror"
Foggy night laugh
With pearls of wisdom
"You think I'm daft"

He rang in the New Year
With a smile on his face
In the morning made a cup of
"Tea you can really taste"

Arbuckle sang for raisins
On the window ledge
While other birds got "Twitterpated"
In the garden hedge

"I'll keep you on"
He'd often tell her

Down the years
Inseparable from his beloved

"Foxy Ears"

"Right Ho"
The Great Ronaldo

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